Relax. Restore. Renew.

At Connected Chiropractic we use a combination of hands-on and movement therapies to decrease muscle tension and improve posture. We consider all aspects that influence one’s health so that we can be your last stop to feeling better.

Conditions we treat

Neck pain

Shoulder impingement

Rotator cuff syndrome

Golfer’s elbow

Tennis elbow

Low back pain

Hip bursitis

IT band syndrome

SI joint problems

Degenerative joint disease


Carpal tunnel syndrome


TMJ issues

Pinched nerves

Disc injuries

Plantar fasciitis

Knee pain

**This is not an exhaustive list**


Initial Evaluation

An in-person assessment and initial treatment that is tailored to each individual based on needs and goals.

** Virtual option available**


A session used to reinforce your personalized treatment so that you get closer to your goals.

**Virtual option available**

About Dr. Elmurr

As a Chiropractic Physician Dr. Elmurr enjoys providing high quality care for people looking to not only change the course of their pain but looking to optimize their health. Taking the latin root for doctor which is '“docere” meaning “to teach” sincerely, our goal is to guide and teach our patients how to take care of themselves long after seeing us.

The path to Connected Chiropractic began all the way back in high school when Dr. Elmurr broke his own back and began getting exposed to the medical field via deep tissue massage. This allowed Dr. E to avoid back surgery and continue playing football eventually making his way into massage therapy school.

Between taking many seminars from some of the highest quality techniques and his interest in natural ways of restoring health, Dr. Elmurr made the decision to pursue a degree in Chiropractic, a profession that helps the body heal itself.

This power is not special to any one person but is available to everyone, all of the time. The tough part can be remembering and staying connected to this idea - hence one of the reasons the name "Connected Chiropractic" came to be. We are thankful you chose us as part of your health journey, we look forward to working with you!


  • Before working with Dr. Elmurr I was struggling with my breathing and had zero awareness of how much our breathing habits affect our body. I have been given exercises that have helped my breathing and overall health. Everything is explained so thoroughly and you always have support if you have any questions or concerns. Definitely recommend Dr Elmurr's services!

    J. G.

  • Dr. Elmurr was a tremendous help to how I approach health. He took the time to listen, ask questions and apply valuable solutions based on my injury. We utilized breathing drills to optimize my posture, put air into places that were not able to relax and get my core firing better. Before working with Dr. E it hurt to squat, walk and enjoy playing sports in my free time. Thank you Dr. Elmurr!

    Francis R.

  • I came to Dr. Elmurr with several different areas with pain after having my son. After only two sessions of PRI I saw massive improvements in physical comfort and posture in addition to a big lift in mood and positivity in daily life. I also had many smaller symptoms improve that I wasn’t expecting to be addressed. Dr Elmurr is a professional, compassionate, and skilled practitioner and truly has your best interest at heart.


“The greatest medicine of all is teaching people how not to need it.”

— Hippocrates